Thought for the Day

“A Christian reveals true humility by showing the gentleness of Christ, by being always ready to help others, and by speaking kind words and performing unselfish acts.”

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Audio Book “The Great Controversy”

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome are depicted in the prophetic book of Daniel as beasts rising out of the turbulent waters of humanity. But Revelation depicts another kingdom beast rising up out of the earth. Who does this represent? The answer might surprise you. Tune in Wednesday at 2:00pm to […]

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Thought for the Day

“We owe it to every member of the human family, whether black or white, high or low, to treat them with kindness and to manifest interest for their soul. As members of one family we are all brethren.”

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Christian Heroes: Then and Now – Weekdays at 7:00am

At age twenty Rowland Bingham committed his life to serving in Africa’s wild Sudan interior, where few missionaries had ventured, and those who did soon died of disease or retreated in defeat. Tune in for a new Christian Heroes story, “Rowland Bingham: Into Africa’s Interior” beginning Friday morning at 7:00am.

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