Pictures of the End – Thu, May 26th

How does God respond to sin? What picture do you have of God when you think of the judgment? For many the topic of judgment brings very negative thoughts and feelings. Host Tim Rumsey will show you a different picture of God and the judgement, all based on sound Biblical […]

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Heartwise – Mon, May 23

The market for pain medications is huge and growing. People are in pain, and most have no idea why. Doctor James Marcum tackles the subject of pain, explaining what it is and what you can do about it Monday at noon on Heartwise.

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Power for Daily Living – Thu, May 19th

Jesus told his disciples that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed they could command a mountain to move and it would move. Do you have the faith it takes to move the obstacles in your life? Pastor Compton Ross shares how to have Mountain Moving Faith […]

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Christian Heroes: The and Now – Wed, May 18th

Once destined for the royal court, Count Nicolaus von Zinzendorf instead became a spiritual father to millions. Zinzendorf opened his estate to persecuted Moravian Christians, and under his leadership this vibrant community launched the modern missions movement. Tune in for the beginning of Zinzendorf’s biography Wednesday morning at 7:30AM CDT.

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Home School Companion – Sat, May 14th

Why have some schools done away with smart phones and electronic devices, even though they can be used for learning? Are there hidden problems with using them in education? Find out Saturday at 8PM CDT on Homeschool Companion with Dr. Rose Gamblin.

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