Ultimate Prescription

Sun, Jan 22 – You will often see this particular fruit on top of the “super foods” list. It’s great for brain health and can reduce inflammation.  What is it, and what other health benefits come from including this super food in your diet?  Find out Sunday at 9:30pm CST on Ultimate Prescription.

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Fri, Jan 20th – As we age, our bones are in danger of becoming weak and thin, a condition known as Osteoporosis.  How can we keep our bones strong and healthy?  Find out today as host Charles Mills interviews special guest Dr. John Morris about bone health this Friday at 5:30pm […]

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Wed, Jan 18 – Mary Slessor left her home in Scotland to live among the unreached tribes of Africa’s Calabar region. Demonstrating the kindness, peace, and justice of her God, Mary became the cherished “White Ma” to entire tribes, and showed many the life and freedom found in Jesus. Don’t miss […]

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Everlasting Gospel

Sat, Jan 14 – What does the Bible teach about what happens when we die? Do we go straight to heaven, hell, or somewhere in between? Knowing how God originally created mankind helps us to understand what happens when we die. Pastor Doug Batchelor will take you, step-by-step, through a study […]

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Salvation in Symbols and Signs

Salvation in Symbols and Signs has moved to a new broadcast time, Saturdays at 6:30pm CST.  You won’t want to miss this in depth study of the books of Revelation and Daniel hosted by James Rafferty, Ivor Myers, and friends. 

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