Power to Cope

Tue, June 25 – It can be extremely hard to cope when we suffer a tragedy in our life. So how do you handle a life speckled with multiple tragedies? Tune in tomorrow morning at 9:15 to hear the story of how one woman did just that and found Power […]

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Stephen Bohr

Thu, June 20 – In Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer, who became Satan after the fall, makes the statement, ” I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.”  So […]

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Your Story Hour

Sat, June 15 – Hey kids now that schools out you’d probably like to spend some time enjoying the wind and waves at the beach. Did you know that the children of Israel also spent some time at the beach with the wind and waves? It wasn’t much of a […]

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Wonders in the Word

Wed, June 12 – The movie Raiders of the Lost Ark was a blockbuster hit however it is not the ark itself but rather what’s inside that makes it valuable in the lives of those who follow God. Join Pastor Doug Batchelor as he opens the ark and shares the […]

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Fri, June 07 – Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States. According to the CDC’s National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2022 cases of diabetes have risen to an estimated 37.3 million. What exactly happens physiologically that causes this potentially debilitating disease, and what can a person […]

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