We, the members of Crumbey Bethel, joyously anticipate the celebration of our 91st Church Anniversary on April 23rd, 2017, and invite each of you to share with us on this great day. Our Church School hour begins at 9:30 A.M. with guest teaches from across the city sharing God’s Word with us.
At 11 A.M. our special will be Rev. Benjamin Adams, Jr. from St. John Primitive Baptist Church {Clearwater FL}.
At 3 P.M. Rev. Kelvin Bryant from Fair Walkers Church {Birmingham, AL} will be our special guest.
We solicit your participation in our day by placing an advertisement in our commemorative souvenir booklet. Ad prices are as follows:
**Full Page $100.00
**1/2 Page: $50.00
**1/4 Page: $25.00
**Patrons: $10.00
We ask that your Ad response be made by Sunday April 16, 2017
Thanks for helping to make our day a success!
Our Theme: A Church That Has Faith In God – Mark 11:22
Elder Melvin E. Robinson. Jr. Pastor
Leon & Valencia Lamar, Chairperson
Crumbey Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
444 58th St
Fairfield, AL. 35064