Brian & Pam Sigmon will be hosting a Compass Small Group study starting on Thursday, February 2. The curriculum will be Moneywise host Howard Dayton's Navigating Your Finances God's Way and will run for 13 weeks on Thursday nights in Helena. For exact location or further details please email or call 205-529-5209. Pastor Milton Wren Sr. will be presenting Calvary April 14th at 7:00 at the Bessemer 1st International Ministires Church. Learn more about Ephesus Academy will be having a special education day Saturday April 22. Dr. Ben Jones will be the guest speaker. We, the members of Crumbey Bethel, joyously anticipate the celebration of our 91st Church Anniversary on April 23rd, 2017, and invite each of you to share with us on this great day. Our Church School hour begins at 9:30 A.M. with guest teaches from across the city sharing God’s Word with us. At 11 A.M. our special will be Rev. Benjamin Adams, Jr. from St. John Primitive Baptist Church {Clearwater FL}. At 3 P.M. Rev. Kelvin Bryant from Fair Walkers Church {Birmingham, AL} will be our special guest. We solicit your participation in our day by placing an advertisement in our commemorative souvenir booklet. Ad prices are as follows: **Full Page $100.00 We ask that your Ad response be made by Sunday April 16, 2017 Thanks for helping to make our day a success! Our Theme: A Church That Has Faith In God – Mark 11:22 Elder Melvin E. Robinson. Jr. Pastor In spite of modern technology and philosophy we are still faced with war, crime, suffering, and eventual death. Will it ever end? Was the world designed this way? Are there really any solutions? Join us May 6th for an enlightening Q&A presentation of Biblical history and prophecy. Let’s hear the story of how God has the answers and came down to give mankind the promise of everlasting life, much better than what we see around us. Inspirational singing, video and art. Join us for a special Tribute to Mothers. Admission is free, bring a guest. Saturday, May 6thth 5:30pm. BJCC, SOUTH MEETING ROOM 205-225-1800 Ephesus presents their 2nd annual Community Health Fair! This is FREE and open to the public. Bring the entire Family! Positive Impact presents "The Break" a free concert event Saturday August 19th from 4 - 6 pm at the Repairs Church located at 711 22nd St in Ensley. For further information call: Rhonda Ryan 205-478-7402 Hosted by Dr. Karen Moore and Dr. Donna Fisher this program reveals the 10 hit causes of depression and anxiety. Topics include: Register to attend the FREE OPENING SESSION to learn more about how you can take advantage of this amazing program! Call 334-218-9746 What the Health takes you on an adventure uncovering the lethal entwining of food, medical, and pharmaceutical industries with our own government, and the corporate and legislative web designed to confuse the public and keep Americans chronically – and profitably – ill. This screening is FREE and open to the community and will be held this Saturday September 30th at 1:30pm. For more information call 205-987-7208. Guest Evangelist Ted Winslow will take you step by step through Bible Prophecy, discovering the keys to unlocking the visions in the End Time Books of Daniel and Revelation. This special seminar is FREE and open to the public and child care is provided. It will be hosted by the Clanton Seventh-day Adventist Church located at 401 18th St in Clanton, beginning October 6th at 6:30 pm. For details call 205 299-9188. Pastor Willie J. Black will give a message on health and temperance at 10:45, and Dr. Quince Gibson from UAB will speak on diabetes at 1 pm. There will be a free vegetarian lunch following, and free blood pressure and glucose screenings will be available. Bessemer 1st International Ministries will be presenting their annual Christmas Cantata Dinner show called, " First Christmas Stories from the Birth of Christ," December 15th at 7:00 pm at the Midfield Christian Center located at 890 Wilkes Rd in Birmingham. Donations are accepted. Alabama National Cemetery will host Wreaths Across America, a holiday wreath-laying ceremony to honor and remember our nation’s Veterans. This special event honors the Veterans of each branch of the military, the Merchant Marine as well as Prisoners of War and those still Missing in Action. For more information on this event visit
**1/2 Page: $50.00
**1/4 Page: $25.00
**Patrons: $10.00
Leon & Valencia Lamar, Chairperson
Crumbey Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
444 58th St
Fairfield, AL. 35064
People think heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are inherited, not realizing that what they’ve actually inherited are the eating habits of their parents and grandparents.
General Announcements
- Light My Path Ministries Telephone Bible Study is inviting you to start your morning with the study of Gods word. Join us Sunday mornings at 6:45 for Bible study and learn about salvation through Jesus Christ and God’s will for your life. Call 667-770-1523 enter code #133394 for more information email
- Alabaster Community Give Backers is a community based volunteer organization whose goal is to help anyone in need. Whether it’s a single parent, a senior who is struggling financially, or someone who has suffered a loss due to a natural disaster such as a fire or storm, Alabama Community Give Backers seeks to reach out in a tangible way. We accept: clothing, furniture, kitchen items and new items such as underwear, socks, and diapers for both adults and children. We also collect scrap metal to sell to provide money for our rent and utilities. Volunteers are also needed to help sort items and do other various jobs. To contact Alabaster Give Backers for drop off locations, to volunteer, or to learn about specific needs call John at 205-206-3866
- STAIR (Start The Adventure In Reading) – is a local nonprofit that serves 12 Birmingham City Schools, providing one-on-one tutoring for second graders who need help in reading.
STAIR is looking for volunteers who can commit to tutor one afternoon a week, after school for 1 ½ hours. Training is provided and no teaching experience is needed. Volunteer tutors can choose a location that is convenient for them. For more information or to sign up visit