“Good works do not purchase the love of God, but they reveal that we possess that love. If we surrender the will to God, we shall not work in order to earn God’s love. His love as a free gift will be received into the soul, and from love to […]
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Science, Scripture, and Salvation – Wed, Sept 28
Secular Scientist have drilled holes into the thick ice sheets of Antarctica and Iceland extracting ice cores thousands of meters long. These they claim are hundreds of thousands of years old. However there are a number of reasons ice cores don’t support the old earth theory. Listen to Science, Scripture, […]
Read moreElijah Radio Though for the Day
“As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings.” – Christ’s Object Lessons, page 333
Read moreHealth Talk – Sat, Sept 24
Gastroesophageal Reflux and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are two common GI diseases that people suffer from around the world. Tune in to learn what causes them, what harm comes from them, and how to manage them with lifestyle Saturday morning at 7AM and again at 3:30AM CDT.
Read moreHealth for a Lifetime – Thu, Sept 22
You may have never heard of “excitotoxins”, but you are probably eating them everyday, and they are having an effect on your brain. What are they? What are they doing? How can you avoid them? Doctor Glen Wilsey will have the answers Thursday morning at 10AM CDT on Health for […]
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